• 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 753-3812
  • 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 753-3812

Life Spring – A Community Church

About Us

Thank you for visiting the Life Spring website! We are a dynamic, contemporary, Christian ministry, serving the Lord Jesus Christ. At Life Spring the emphasis is on God and the life changing power of His Word. As you attend our regularly scheduled services, everything that you will experience, from the enthusiastic praise and worship to the sharing of God’s Word, is scripture based. It is our sincere desire that God will minister through his Holy Spirit in the greatest possible way. We invite you to be a part of our fellowship as we serve God and the community. If you are not in our area we can help you with questions, prayer needs, and encouragement through this electronic medium! Please feel free to email or write us via our contact page.

Thanks again for your interest in our ministry. May God bless you with ever increasing understanding and knowledge of His love for you!

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened unto you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be open.

Matthew 7:7-8

Service Times


    9:30AM: Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
  10:30AM: Worship Service


    7:30 PM – Bible Study Classes
    7:30 PM – ACTS night
                         Where you can express your
                         Active Commitment TService